Dogtraining in english

Private sessions:

Choose private sessions if:

- Your dog get stressed near other dogs or people.
- You want full attention on the relationship between you and your dog.
- You have specific training wishes.

With private sessions we focus on the partnership and teamwork between you and your dog.
If you experience any issues with your dog
wewill talk about the best way to work through those specific problems.

Private sessions are for all types of dogs and dogs of all ages.

We use positive reinforcement when working with the dogs.

These are examples of what we can work on during private sessions:

- Recall.
- Not pulling the leash.
- Puppy visits and training.
- Mental work.
- Obedience training.
- Environmental training: Calm behavior around bikes, cars, sounds etc.
- Handling stress in different scenarios.
- Teach your dog to enjoy handling: Grooming, Vet visits etc.
- Dog language and behavior.

You can buy as many private sessions as you like.
Price: 700kr.
One session last 60 minutes.

Seneste kommentarer

20.11 | 07:27

Du er meget velkommen til at sende en mail eller ringe på 24842912 :)

18.11 | 09:19

Keg sender dig en e-mail :)

15.11 | 11:44

Hej Eva.
Jeg starter desværre først hvalpehold op til foråret. Lige nu har jeg eneforløb i stedet.

13.11 | 20:02

Hej :)

Jeg vil gerne vide hvornår der starter nyt hvalpehold op i Søndermarken…

Bh Eva

Del siden


This course will help you teach your dog not to pull the leash.

I will explain why your dog is pulling and show
you how to make your dog offer an alternative behavior.

This course is made for:

- Dogs who pull the leash.
- Puppies and young dogs who need to learn to walk on a leash.
- Reactive dogs who is easily stressed from the environment.

It is an advantage to own these products before joining the course:

-Treat bag.
- Long leash (5-8 meters).
- Normal dogleash.
- Harness for the dog.

Buy your products here

Number of sessions:4
Price: 1600kr.
One session last 60 minutes.


This course will teach you techniques to create a stable recall with your dog.

You will learn how to motivate your dog to love recall and empower your teamwork.

The course is made for:

- Dogs who do not react when you call.
- Dogs who only sometimes react when you call.
- Dogs, young dogs and puppies who have not yet been introduced to recall training.
- Dogs who do not react to recall if distracted by other dogs, people,new surroundings, etc.

It is an advantage to own these products before joining the course:

-Treat bag.
- Long line(5-8 meters).
- Whistle (with sound).
- Harness for the dog.

Buy your products here:

Number ofsessions: 4
Price: 1600kr.
One session last 60 minutes.

Brain work:

This course focuses on letting you and your dog have fun while learning.
Correct mental work helps create a happy and calm dog.

You will see your dog get motivated to learn new exercises and experience the teamwork between you grow stronger.

These are examples of what we can work on during
the brain work course:

- Operant training.
Clicker training.
- Search training.
- Trick training.
Problem solving.
- Agility.

Numberof sessions: 4
Price: 1600
One session last 60 minutes.

Puppy course: 

If you want to give your puppy the best start in a new home this course is for you.
I will guide you and answer all your questions about the new family member.

This course is made for:
2-5 months old puppies.

These are examples of what we can work on during the puppy course:

- Housetraining.
- Preventing separationanxiety.
- Mental work.
- Needs and natural behavior.
- Socialization.
- How to make your puppy feel safe.
- Learning and training exercises.
- Leash work.
- Environmental training.
- Dog language.

Numberof sessions: 4
Normal Price:2400
From Marts-December discount price: 2000 kr 

One session last 60 minutes.

Young dogs and teenage training:

This period can be challenging for both dogs and humans. The dog is constantly changing and some will experience their dog being more stressed, insecure, distracted and energetic.

In this course I will guide you through the issues and questions you might have.
We will work on creating teamwork and happiness between you and your young dog.

This course is made for:
5-18 months old dogs.

These are examples of what we can work on during the young dog course:
- Dog language and social behavior.
- Adolescents period.
- Dealing with stress.
- Mental work.
- Teamwork building exercises.
- Recall.
- Leash work.
- Reinforcement and reinforcement signals.
- Training intervals.
- Positive environmental training.

Number of sessions:4
Price: 2400
From July-Febuary: discount price: 2000
Onesession last 60 minutes.

Seneste kommentarer

20.11 | 07:27

Du er meget velkommen til at sende en mail eller ringe på 24842912 :)

18.11 | 09:19

Keg sender dig en e-mail :)

15.11 | 11:44

Hej Eva.
Jeg starter desværre først hvalpehold op til foråret. Lige nu har jeg eneforløb i stedet.

13.11 | 20:02

Hej :)

Jeg vil gerne vide hvornår der starter nyt hvalpehold op i Søndermarken…

Bh Eva

Del siden

Rescue and shelter dogs

This special course is made because of my love for rescue dogs and my experience owning a street dog.

It can be a challenge and a blessing living with a furchild with a difficult past but I will do my best to help you and your dog grow together.

The sessions will focus on your dogs needs and challenges. The goal is not just training but to create a stronger bond with lot of trust and teamwork between you and your rescue dog.

These are examples of what we can work on during sessions:

- Creating healthy routines.

-Reducing stress and increase welfare for your dog.

-Mental work and nose work.

- Sound sensitivity training.

-Environmental exposure.

- Recall training.

- Voluntary handling.

- Contact at home and on walks.

- Target and other exercises.

-Engage/disengagegame and working with triggers.

Beside the sessions this course gives access to online meetings (1 hour every week) for six months.

This course is made for:

- Street dogs adopted from another country.

-Rescue/adopted dogs from a shelter.

- Dogs who have been rehomed many times.

Number of sessions: 4
(speciallow price just for this course)
One session last 60 minutes.

Note: this course can’t be booked as a behavioral consultation for issues ofs evere anxiety or aggression.
For help with these specific kind of issues contact a certified dog behaviorist or ask me for recommendations, so I can send your case to a colleague of mine.

Private sessions and courses

Both sessions and courses are one to one. I will join you at your home or your local park.
Private sessions and courses are only avalible in Copenhagen and cities in the nearby area.

Phone: 24842912